centenary year




The price for the Centenary golf competition and meal for 4 players is only £190. 

Please complete the Online Event Entry Form below,

Payment: you can send your cheque to John Day, address below, or make a bank transfer payment (details below).

Cheques payable please to ‘Lincolnshire Masonic Golfing Association’,
and sent to:
J Day, Brindle Cottage, Main Street, Thorney, Newark, NG23 7BS.

Bank transfers may be also be made to:
‘Lincolnshire Masonic Golfing Association’
Sort code: 05 02 00
Account: 29917058

Please use your surname and event name as the payment reference


Online Event entry form

10 + 9 =

If you prefer not to use the On-Line entry, you can enter by downloading and printing a copy of the entry form, completing it and posting it to John Day (address details above).
Please click this link to download the PDF version of the Entry Form.